The behavior-change initiative has the goal of seeing if a narrow focus on a specific community of gamers can drive longer-lasting changes, and shift young people’s understanding of mental health by taking them from being uninformed to becoming allies and advocates for mental health and wellness.
2018年,由凯萨医疗机构(Kaiser Permanente)研究科学家领导的心理健康研究网络(Mental Health Reraybat官网search Network)的一项研究表明,我们可以结合使用电子健康记录数据和其他工具,准确识别有自杀企图或自杀死亡高风险的人。这项研究建立在其他卫生系统先前的模型上,这些模型使用的患者记录中的潜在预测因子较少。